Dental implants


Dental implants are an extensive field since they can offer an alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well and can offer an option when a lack of natural teeth roots don’t allow building dentures or bridgework tooth replacements.

Dental implants


Dental implants are an extensive field since they can offer an alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well and can offer an option when a lack of natural teeth roots don’t allow building dentures or bridgework tooth replacements.

What are dental implants?

Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal,  screwlike posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones.

Dental Implant Procedure

Before Treatment

  •          Comprehensive dental test: You might have dental X-rays and 3D pictures taken,  and have models made of your teeth and jaw.
  •          Audit of your clinical history: Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and any medications you take, including medicine and non-prescription medications and enhancements. 

If you have certain heart conditions or orthopaedic implants, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before surgery to help prevent infection.

  •          Treatment plan: Tailored to your situation, and takes into account several factors such as:
  1. number of teeth
  2. jaw bone condition
  3. the remaining teeth

During Treatment

Step 1 –  titanium root

The dentist makes a hole in the jaw bones during the dental implant procedure and places the mineral root into the jawbone. This part will be as a fixed root of the artificial, A temporary tooth is placed over the titanium root to fill the hole until the next session.

Step 2 – bone growth

Once the titanium root is implanted in the jaw, the path of bone tissue growth begins around it, during this process the jawbone unites with the embedded root, and this stage takes some time to form a strong base for the fake crown until it becomes the strength areas of the natural tooth roots.

Step 3 – abutment 

After the bone healing process, there will be another session to place the abutment, which is the part to which the crown will be attached. It is a simple procedure that the doctor performs under local anesthesia.


What are the materials used in the crowns?

Dental crowns are made of porcelain, known to be sufficiently extreme to endure the gigantic strain that teeth are exposed to while biting food, and in some cases metal materials are utilized in its arrangement, which builds its opposition and strength emphatically.


Like any surgery, a dental implant involves some health risks, but it is rare, even if it occurs, it is easy to treat.

The risks include:

  1. Infection of the surrounding structures
  2. damage to surrounding structures
  3. nerve damage
  4. Sinus problems in the upper jaw

Tips to avoid any complications after dental implants

All of these symptoms can typically be avoided with proper care post-implant surgery.

  • Good oral hygiene
  • Rinse regularly
  • avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar

cost of dental implants in turkey

Dental implant costs vary from patient to patient according to the implant used, the number of implants, and the quality of the crown, but in general it ranges between 400 to 1000 $ per implant.

Dental implant Before and After


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are dental implants safe?

Yes, it is safe, as this procedure has been used in dentistry for more than 30 years for the majority of patients who are in good health.

Is dental implant painful?

The procedure itself is not painful but it is possible to feel a slight pain after the procedure, but it is temporary

How long does a dental implant last?

The lifespan of the implant depends on how well you take care of your teeth and the cleanliness of your mouth. The approximate age of the implant is between 20-30 years.

are dental implants covered by insurance

The short answer is yes, some insurance plans cover parts of the costs so it is important that you understand the type of treatment you need and what insurance will pay for you.

can dental implant fall out

It is very rare for a dental implant to fall out, and it usually occurs due to an underlying problem or an installation problem

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